Hi, my name is Toni.
Ths blog is a place for myself to write thoughts, opinions and and open questions out of my
head into a collection of letters. While I hope it may be helpful for others, it's very first
purpose is to practice the art of writing and not sharing knowledge (which hopefully still
To understand my point of view, it is helpful to know the following facts about me (ordered by
importance descending for this blog)
- I love the physical process of typing on a keyboard. One of my goals is to get very fast and thorough at it.
- I work as a programmer by day and play as a programmer by night. I enjoy rich type systems, allthough I sometimes get lost in "type masturbastion".
- I enjoy the UNIX philosophy of "Do one thing and do it well". I try to avoid devices and services that solve to many problems at once (Smartphones and modern IDEs are the most obvious ones for me).
- I do like all sorts of sport. The one I had most fun with is running. Sadly because of injuries I don't do it as much anymore.
- I'm a husband and father of two girls. We live on a farm in a small village in Saxony, Germany.
- I used to be very religious. Nowadays I still believe in the biblical god but my daily life is mostly unaffected by it. It is more of a deep knowledge that god is in control of my life and takes care of me.
On the technical site, this blog is a collection of templates and posts written in markdown, in combination with the following technologies:
- The page uses the Astro Framework to tie everything together and generate static HTML 🚀.
- An inspiration of the structure and code was the amazing astro-cactus template by Chris Williams. Without his work I might never have started working on this project 🌵.
- Deployment is done via docker by using the watchtower service 🐳.
- Hosting is done by Hetzner on green energy 💚.
Check out the repository if you like. Everything is open source! ❤️